Leh to Nubra Valley – Travel Guide, Sightseeing & Itinerary

by Vargis.Khan

Leh to Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley has a lot to offer to its visitors. Its stunning landscape, high-altitude passes, beautiful lakes, snow-capped peaks, and mesmerizing valleys are enough to keep your gaze and your camera occupied for as long as you stay here. You have not really visited Ladakh unless you have been on a drive from Leh to Nubra Valley.

Of all the tourist places in Ladakh, Nubra Valley is probably the most easily accessible of all. A well-maintained metalled road takes you across the high altitude pass of Khardung La and deep inside the valley of Nubra. Out here, you see some of the most beautiful vistas you have ever seen and experience a culture that you will not elsewhere in the country.

In this post, I will provide a complete travel guide on how you can plan a trip to Nubra Valley from Leh, including details like how to reach, where to stay, what to see, public transport, and itinerary planning. For information on other areas of Ladakh, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Leh Ladakh – A Complete Travel Guide.

To organize your trip to Ladakh, book a taxi, rent a bike, or get the best hotel rates, you can contact Kunal @ 9910402252. From luxurious hotels to budget stays, he can help get you the best rates possible.

About Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley is located at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the city of Leh, on the other side of mighty Khardung La. Its original name is believed to be “Ldumra” meaning “Valley Of Flowers”.

Now also known as the Orchard of Ladakh, the Valley receives visitors throughout the year, though the peak tourist season is between June to September. Diskit is the capital of Nubra Valley and is located about 120 km from Leh.

Until 2010, the valley was open for civilians only until Panamik and Hunder. But after the boost in tourism in Ladakh, the last accessible points were moved ahead to Siachen Base Camp and Turtuk, opening more areas in the valley for tourists.

The primary road access to Nubra Valley is over Khardung La pass which is open throughout the year. An alternative route opened in 2008 connects the valley to Sakti village via Wari La. A third route, made operational in 2013, connects it from the Pangong Tso side, via the villages of Durbuk and Shyok.

nubra valley

Inner Line Permit for Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley is considered a part of the inner line, areas closer to the border. Hence an Inner line permit is required in order to visit here. It can either be obtained in person from the DM office in Leh or you can also apply for it online. Please read How to Get an Inner Line Permit in Ladakh for more details.

For foreign nationals, this permit is known as a Protected Area Permit. This can also be obtained both in person as well as online but will need the involvement of a registered travel agent. Please read How to Obtain a Protected Area Permit for Nubra Valley for further information. 

Nubra Valley Map

Below is a detailed map showing the different routes you can take to reach Nubra Valley from Leh and the villages in the valley.

The map below also includes areas that are not actually within Nubra Valley. Only the area from Khalsar to Turtuk and Warshi is the Nubra Valley. The region towards Agham, Karu, Sakti, Shyok Village, and Wari La isn’t considered a part of the Nubra. I included this in the map only to highlight an alternate route that you can take to visit there.

nubra valley road map

How to reach Nubra Valley from Leh

You can take three routes to reach Nubra Valley from Leh. The most common route is over Khardung La Pass which can see you completing the journey in 5-6 hours. The second road is over Wari La Pass which is the longest and the third connects Pangong Lake to Nubra Valley.

Route 1 – Leh to Nubra Valley via Khardung La

This route is the most known, popular, easiest, and quickest one. The majority of the tourists travel this way to reach Nubra Valley. You take the road from Leh towards Khardung La, reach Khalsar while crossing the village of Khardung on the way, and continue towards Nubra Valley. Below is a detailed breakdown.

Also read: How to Travel to Ladakh with Children

Leh – Khardung La – Khalsar

Take an early start from Leh so that you have time to explore the valley and take sufficient breaks on the way. Your first destination will be to reach Khardung La top via Phyang and South Pullu.

The road is pretty good except for a few bad patches due to melting snow near the top of the pass. You will be required to produce a copy of your permit at the South Pullu check post.

At the top of Khardung La are an army base and a small cafeteria that offers free black tea. It is a good place to sit with a cup in your hand and beautiful Himalayan peaks all around you. Take photos next to several signboards reading “Khardung La, 18,380 ft, Highest Motorable Road in the world”

khardung la

The road on the descent towards Nubra has always been in a bad condition till North Pullu. It mainly is due to melting snow which results in a continuous flow of water on the roads. Caution is advised while driving/riding here.

The road from Khardung to Khalsar is a smooth one. It won’t take you long to cover these 23 kilometers. You will drive a few more kilometers after Khalsar and reach a junction where the road will bifurcate.

There are a lot of shops, a few restaurants and a petrol pump at this junction. From here, the road straight goes to Sumur, Panamik, and Warshi while the one on the left leads to Diskit and Turtuk. Both these roads run right through Nubra Valley and a drive on both is highly recommended.

Sumur – Panamik – Warshi – Siachen Base Camp

I will first explain the road that goes towards the right to Panamik and Warshi and then the one going towards Diskit, Hunder, and Turtuk.

The road after Khalsar and throughout Nubra Valley remains in good condition and shortly you will realize why Nubra Valley is so famous. Greenery will start coming more in the picture of a cold desert and it would start looking like an oasis.

nubra valley

While at Sumur, visit the 150-year-old Samstanling Gompa that this village is famous for. There are also sand dunes in Sumur that are worth a visit. As opposed to the sand dunes in Hunder, these are almost never crowded.

A drive further 20 km will take you to the village of Panamik, another town where a lot of people prefer to stay while visiting Nubra Valley. There are several budget guesthouses and homestays available here.

The primary attraction of Panamik is its hot water spring. Locals have constructed bathrooms around the spring and there is a proper bathing arrangement in case you want to take a drip.

The trek to the famous Yarab Tso Lake also starts about 6 kilometers before Panamik Village. A round trip to the lake will take you about an hour and a half.

After Panamik, you will reach Warshi which is the last village on this road before Siachen Glacier. There is a check post in Warshi where you will need to register yourself before continuing for another 16 kilometers on this road to the Indian Army base camp for Siachen Glacier.

The condition of the road on this entire route is a mix of good, average, and bad. The bad part is mostly limited between Warshi and Base Camp only. Otherwise, it is a smooth drive all the way.

siachen base camp

Diskit – Hunder

Now let us talk about the other side of Nubra Valley, where the villages of Diskit, Hunder, and Turtuk are. After you have arrived in Khalsar and reached the junction, you will now take the left turn which will take you to Diskit, the headquarters of Nubra Valley.

The primary attraction of Diskit is the ancient Diskit Gompa which is believed to be from the 14th century. Right in front of the gompa is the grand and magnificent Maitreya Buddha statue.

There is also a statue of a Deity in the Gompa holding a mummified human forearm and head [believed to be of a Mongol Warrior] in its hand. It also presents a Panoramic view of Diskit village and the valley around from its roof.

A lot of people visiting Nubra Valley prefer to stay at Diskit because it has the largest number of hotels and guesthouses in the valley. Jio, BSNL, and Airtel work very well in Diskit with good data connectivity.

diskit gompa

9 kms from Diskit on a moderate road and amidst fruit orchids is the village of Hunder, famous for its sand dunes and camels. If you were staying at Hunder for the night and it was a full moon night, do not miss the sight of these sand dunes under a full moon.

Another amazing thing you will get to see at Hunder is the Bactrian Camels, commonly known as the two-humped camel. Unlike regular camels, they have two humps on their backs and are very rare. You can even get a ride on this camel. The camel safari in fact is one of the tourist attractions of the valley.

camels in hunder

Thoise – Bogdang

If you continue driving further ahead after Hunder, you will reach Thoise. It stands for “Transit Halt Of Indian Soldiers En-route” to Siachen and is the Next village after Hunder.

This is the only large piece of flat land in the area and serves as a military airfield. The airstrip there is a critical facility used to supply men and materials to the Siachen glacier and other border areas on the Indo-Pak border.

After Thoise comes Bogdang, another small village en route. Upon entering this village, you will realize that the majority of the population has turned from Buddhist to Muslim. This region is mostly inhabited by Balti people. This entire area was taken over by the Indian army in 1971 before which it was a part of Pakistan.

Also read: Important Things That You Must Carry for Ladakh Trip

Turtuk – Thang

Finally, after a drive of about 90 kilometers from Diskit, you will reach the village of Turtuk. One of the gateways to Siachen Glacier, Turtuk is the last outpost in India after which the Pakistan-controlled Gilgit-Baltistan begins.

Up until now, everything in Ladakh was barren and brown. Turtuk on the other hand is all lush and green. The landscape will change completely, and you will find fields of apricots, apples, tomatoes, cauliflowers, and cabbages all around.

The population here is mostly Muslims of Balti origin.  It was opened for Tourists in 2010 and people here primarily depend on agriculture and tourism for a living. For more details, please take a look at Turtuk Village in Ladakh.

The scenery and the beautiful landscape of the village are its greatest attractions. There is also a waterfall here but you will need to trek for that a bit. Turtuk is also famous for walking sticks made from the horns of wild ibex.

turtuk village

Thang is the farthest point of the Turtuk sector towards the LOC, after which it was all Pakistan. It is located right next to the line of control, at a distance of about 11 kilometers from Turtuk.

Standing in Thang, you can actually get a clear view of the Pakistani side of the village. There are a few restaurants here and a border viewpoint as well.

leh to nubra valley

Route 2: Leh to Nubra via Wari La

To be honest this is not really a route that people take to reach Nubra Valley but to actually get back from Nubra Valley to Leh. It can also be a route to go straight from Nubra Valley to Pangong Tso without coming back to Leh.

Off-late, this road is gaining popularity among the adventurous types due to the difficulty it presents. Some people chose to reach Nubra via Khardung La and return via Wari La.

Be advised though that crossing Wari La will be a challenge for both you and your vehicle. Of the three roads connecting Nubra Valley to other parts of Leh, this route is the toughest and longest.

You can also take a look at Nubra to Pangong Tso via Wari La where I have explained this route in detail. But for a brief overview, the route would be as mentioned below.

  • Leh – Karu = 34 km
  • Karu – Sakti = 15 km
  • Sakti – Wari La – Agham = 60 km
  • Agham – Khalsar = 26 km

Start early from Leh because this journey will take some time. Take the Manali Leh highway and reach Karu. The road will be good so shouldn’t take long to get here.

At Sakti, you will notice a board pointing you toward Wari La and Agham. Turn here and after a little while, you will start ascending towards Wari La.

Upon crossing the pass, you will drive down to the village of Agham. From there, take the road towards Khalsar and continue to Nubra Valley, as detailed previously in this article.

nubra valley

Route 3: Leh to Nubra Valley via Agham Shyok Road

This is also not really a route that you take to reach Nubra Valley from Leh. It is rather a way to get to Nubra Valley from Pangong Tso or vice versa.

The travel time by this road between both places is about 6-7 hours.  Please read Nubra to Pangong Tso via Agham Shyok Road for a detailed explanation of this route.

A recommended way of planning your Ladakh itinerary is to reach Nubra Valley by Khardung La road and then continue to Pangong Lake directly by the Shyok road. This will save you a day and you will not have to come back to Leh from Nubra Valley.

The entire distance of this road is a smooth drive and is doable by even Sedans and Hatchbacks. There are a few bad stretches in between but for the most part, it will be an enjoyable journey on a flat road.

nubra valley

Best Time to Visit Nubra Valley

The best time to visit Nubra valley however is between June and September when all the roads to and In Ladakh remain open. Guesthouses and hotels too are all operational this time. Internal roads like Shyok Road and Wari La will also be accessible and will make it easy for you to plan your overall itinerary.

If not in these months, then the next best time would be April and May. The only catch is that the Srinagar Leh and Manali Leh routes may not be open yet and you may have to catch a flight to Leh.

Contrary to common belief, Nubra Valley actually remains open throughout the year. The road from Leh may temporarily close due to snowfall at Khardung La, but BRO usually restores the connectivity as soon as they are able to. So if you were planning a winter trip to Ladakh, even then you can include Nubra Valley in your itinerary.

Where to Stay in Nubra Valley

Diskit is the headquarters of Nubra Valley and has the maximum number of hotels and guest houses. Even several locals here take tourists as paying guests for a very moderate charge.

Hunder, Sumur, Panamik, and Turtuk also have a few decent enough guesthouses available so you can choose to stay at either of these towns for the night.

Where to stay will entirely depend on your itinerary. If you were going to stay just one night, I would recommend doing so in Diskit. It will make it easier for you to visit Diskit Monastery and Hunder that way. The next day, while returning to Leh or going to Pangong, you can make a short visit to Panamik Village.

If you were going to spend a day in Nubra Valley, my recommendation would be that you go all the way to Turtuk, spend a night in the village, and return to Diskit or Panamik the next day.

For more details on accommodation and contact details of several hotels in Nubra Valley, please read Accommodation In Nubra – Hotels, Guest Houses and Homestays.

nubra valley

Places to Visit in Nubra Valley

I have actually covered this information in detail in another article, Tourist Places in Nubra Valley & Things to Do that you can take a look at. But for a brief overview, mentioned below is a list of places that can be termed tourist attractions.

  • Khardung La Pass
  • Hunder Sand Dunes
  • Sumur Sand Dunes
  • Bactrian Camels
  • Maitreya Buddha in Diskit
  • Hot Water Springs in Panamik
  • Murgi Waterfall
  • Siachen Base Camp
  • Diskit Monastery
  • Yarab Tso Lake
  • Ensa Gompa
  • Turtuk
  • Thang

If you want to cover all of these places, then you will need at least 3 days in Nubra Valley. If you just have one, you can cover Diskit Monastery, Maitreya Buddha, Hunder sand dunes, Bactrian camels, and Panamik hot water springs.

You will see the rivers of Shyok and Siachen on the valley in and out of the valley. For a detailed overview, please visit the link I provided above.

Things to do in Nubra Valley

After sightseeing at the places I mentioned above, below is a list of some other tourist activities in the valley that you can enjoy.

  • Camel Safar in Hunder
  • Camping in Hunder / Diskit
  • Trekking to Yarab Tso and Turtuk Waterfall
  • Motorcycling (You can rent a bike in Leh for this)
  • Photography
  • Archery

vargis khan

Altitude Sickness

The elevation of Nubra Valley is actually even lower than the town of Leh. Diskit is at an altitude of 3,100 meters (10,170 ft) and Turtuk is at around 9,846 ft whereas Leh is at 3,500 meters (11,500 ft).

So the chances of anyone suffering from AMS here are very low. People are actually advised to visit Nubra Valley first in order to give their bodies time to acclimatize before moving on to other high-altitude places like Pangong Lake and Tso Moriri.

For more information on altitude sickness, its symptoms, and tips on how you can avoid it, please take a look at How to Handle Acute Mountain Sickness in Ladakh.

Clothes to Pack

Actually, it would apply to what clothes you pack for your Ladakh trip, not just Nubra Valley. The trick is to bring clothes in layers that can be worn on top of one another.

If visiting in the summer season, you will not even need a light jacket during the daytime, that is how warm it can actually get. The morning and night will still be very cold though.

The weather will depend on both the time of the day and the place you were at. For example, it will be very warm in Diskit and Leh but very cold at Khardung La Top.

If you were in the Sun, you would be feeling hot anywhere in the valley but the cold in the wind will have you reaching out for a jacket the moment you step into the shade.

To deal with weather like this, you should bring clothes that you can add or remove in layers as convenient. Do not bring all heavy woolen clothes or all light cotton ones. Do not also pack tight clothes that you cannot put on top of one another. For more details on this topic, please take a look at Clothes for Ladakh Trip: What to Pack.

Mobile Network in Nubra Valley

Airtel and Jio have the best service in Nubra Valley. You will remain connected and will get good voice clarity and data connectivity. For more details on mobile reception in Ladakh, please read Mobile Network in Ladakh & Data Connectivity.

After these two, BSNL will be the next in line. BSNL actually has the best network in all of Ladakh and you can get reception even in the remotest areas, where no other network will work. But the voice quality and data connectivity are actually not that good.

leh to nubra valley road trip

Public Transport Services

There are regular buses and shared cabs between Leh and Nubra Valley. You can easily plan your journey even by public transport. The buses are limited and there may not be a daily bus available but shared cabs travel on the route every day. You can find one from the Leh or Diskit bus stand itself.

The fare per person for shared cabs between Leh and Diskit is about Rs. 500 per person. Between Diskit, Panamik, or Turtuk, it will be about Rs. 200 per person.

For complete details on the bus service including timings, schedule, and fare, please take a look at Leh to Nubra Valley Bus service – Fare, Schedule & Timings.

Leh to Nubra Valley Itinerary

The itinerary can be planned in several ways depending on what your next destination is and the time in hand. Below are a few examples.

1 Day

  • Day 1 – Leh to Diskit
  • Day 2 – Diskit to Panamik. See hot water springs and be on your way to Pangong Lake or Leh

2 Days

  • Day 1 – Leh to Turtuk. It will be a long journey so drive straight. Do not stop sightseeing in Diskit.
  • Day 2 – Walk around in Turtuk Village. Trek to the waterfall if possible. Drive Thang and return to Diskit. Visit Diskit Monastery, Hunder sand dunes, and stay for the night in Diskit.
  • Day 2 – Diskit to Panamik. See hot water springs and be on your way to Pangong Lake or Leh

3 Days

  • Day 1 – Leh to Turtuk. It will be a long journey so drive straight. Do not stop sightseeing in Diskit.
  • Day 2 – Walk around in Turtuk Village. Trek to the waterfall if possible. Drive Thang and return to Diskit. Visit Diskit Monastery, Hunder sand dunes, and stay for the night in Diskit.
  • Day 3 – Drive to Panamik and stay there for the night. Trek to Yarab Tso, and drive until Siachen Base Camp.
  • Day 4 – Return to Leh or move on to Pangong Lake

Things may get a little tricky if you are traveling by bus or shared cab. If you just had 1 day in hand, then board a bus or shared cab for Diskit and stay there for the night. Visit Diskit Monastery, and Hunder Sand dunes in the afternoon and evening. The next day, you will catch a bus or shared cab and return to Leh.

If you were staying for two days, then Diskit will still be your destination on Day 1. The next day, there is an afternoon bus for Turtuk from Diskit that you can catch to get there. Stay in Turtuk for the night and return to Diskit again by bus. From there, you can again catch a shared cab for Leh or move on to Panamik to spend another day in the valley.

Also read: Best time to Visit Leh Ladakh

Leh to Nubra Valley Road Conditions

Road conditions in Nubra Valley are surprisingly smooth and maybe the best that you will come across in Ladakh. The only bad sections are between South and North Pullu if you are coming via Khardung La.

On the Wari La route, most of the road from Agham to Sakti is actually bad. The Shyok road is a smooth drive all the way with a few bad patches in between.

nubra valley

Best Vehicle

There is no best vehicle as such for visiting Nubra Valley. Except for the bad section between South Pullu and North Pullu, the road across Khardung La is a good one, and even a hatchback and Sedan can be used for visiting here.

If you have an SUV then you can take either of the three routes I explained above. However if in a car with low ground clearance, then stick to the Khardung La road and Shyok route. Do not venture towards Wari La Pass.

The same applies to motorcycles as well. If on a 350 CC or 500 CC motorcycle in good condition, all roads are accessible. If on a motorcycle with a smaller engine or scooter, then better to skip Wari La entirely.

ATMs and Banking Services

There is no Bank or ATM in Nubra Valley or on the way. Debit or credit cards too are not accepted here. Please ensure that you withdraw and carry enough cash before you leave Leh for Nubra.

Petrol Pumps in Nubra Valley

There is a petrol pump in Diskit and another one at the junction after Khalsar. I have always found both these petrol pumps operational and bought fuel here.

Hospitals / Medical Assistance

There is a hospital in Diskit where you can seek medical assistance. But for anything serious, you will have to rush back to Leh. The Army posts in between can also provide some help in case of an emergency.

Nubra Valley Altitude

Nubra Valley is located at an average altitude of about 10,000 ft (3048 meters) which actually puts it at a lower altitude than even the town of Leh.


This I think covers most of the important aspects of planning a trip from Leh to Nubra Valley. If you have any questions, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and asking your question there.

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Arup Kumar Nag June 6, 2024 - 9:07 am

Hi Vargis Bhai,
At first thanks for a nice, clear and detailed information
I have just completed reading this article. It is so elaborate that I have no query but one.
I want to stay Nubra Valley with my family for 2 nights.
You have already mention in the article for the 2 Day stay.
But I would like to know that which one will you recommend to stay either at Turtuk or Panamik for one night.
Please suggest the tour for this 2 Days.
We will start from Leh. and will leave for Pangong.

Amar Nath Mishra September 20, 2022 - 4:23 pm

I am planning to reach Leh on 22nd October’22 at 10 am. I have 4 days with me. I want to plan Nubra and Pangong lake. Please suggest. We are 2 person.

Vargis.Khan September 29, 2022 - 3:51 pm

How will you be traveling around? Public transport or private taxi?

James May 12, 2022 - 10:24 pm


May I ask. Assuming I get to nubra valley from leh by bus, how could I then get around between places in nubra valley itself? Is it possible to rent scooter say in Diskit or Sumur?

Also, would it be difficult to hire shared taxi between nubra and pangong tso?

Finally, are travel permits checked anywhere? I am solo traveller and apparently permits are issued if you are in a group of two. Do you have idea how strictly is this enforced? Would I risk much coming alone?

Many Thanks,

Vargis.Khan May 15, 2022 - 1:27 pm

Hello James,

You won’t find a scooter on rent in Nubra Valley. Will have to get it in Leh. Shared cabs and even a local daily bus service to Turtuk are available though.

Permits are checked strictly at several places.

Pampi chaudhuri August 26, 2021 - 5:55 am

Hello vargis bhai .. i want to visit turtuk only in minta region as I have already visited deskit and hinder and panamik earlier… In the month of September is it possible by public transport ?? As a solo traveller i can’t afford to book a whole car.. I’m fine with shared ..Bt what I would get after deskit .. i want to stay in turtuk atlst 2 days. What is the return bus timings and dates from turtuk ?? Is there any option to go kargil direct from tutul/sedikit ?? Pls suggest and help

Avik Datta February 15, 2021 - 9:17 am

Dear Vargis,
Please advise our route is ok or not? We are going Ladakh in 2nd time and our preference is to stay in remote areas. Need your help!
We will take one innova and three 350cc classic bike. 8 person in total. You can contact in my mobile w’app – 9051399366.
Day 1 – Kolkata airport to Leh Airport, stay at Nung village or any remote areas (suggestion required)
Day 2 – Rest
Day 3 – Remote area to Tso Moriri (No Pangong lake)
Day 4 – Rest at Tso Moriri
Day 5 – Tso Moriri to Hanley
Day 6 – Hanley – Diskit
Day 7 – Rest at Diskit
Day 8 – Diskit – Nubra Valley – Turtuk
Day 9 – Rest at Turtuk
Day 10 – Turtuk to Leh
Day 11 – Leh Airport to Kolkata

How to Plan a Bike Trip to Leh Ladakh - Vargis Khan October 28, 2020 - 3:49 am

[…] in your name, you can only bring it to Leh City. But for local sightseeing in Ladakh (places like Nubra Valley or Pangong), you will have to rent a local bike from Leh. You cannot use that bike to go anywhere […]

Rajkumar R December 1, 2019 - 3:46 am

Dear Friend,
I would like to bring to your notice some updations to be done regarding Banks & ATMs in Nubra and mobile network connectivity. J&K bank and SBI have opened their branches in Diskit. Also J&K bank has set up 2 ATMs each one in Diskit & Hunder. Also in our personal experience this september we got Bsnl network and Jio network ( We use Jio Modem for Data connectivity – very fast) in Hunder. Then one more thing is while returning from Turtuk to Hunder we noticed a newly laid Road somewhere near Bogdang that goes upto Warshi.This means there is no necessary to come back upto Khalsar to proceed towards Warshi or vice versa. But we don’t know about that road condition

Vargis.Khan December 1, 2019 - 11:15 pm

Thanks Rajkumar Bhai

VARUN SAXENA April 2, 2020 - 9:38 am

what would be your suggestions if i cover entire nubra velley on cycle.

Ameeta October 2, 2023 - 1:34 pm

going to numbra valley will bus sickness prevail as we are traveling altitude

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[…] took the Agham route to reach back Leh from Nubra Valley. The road till Agham is OK; a bit of broken tarmac in a few places and a patch where they are […]

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Sonali Bhatia July 4, 2019 - 9:40 am

Hi Vargis, my sister and I have planned a trip in the first week of September. We have planned two nights at Leh, two nights at Nubra (with Turtuk), one night at Tsangste near Pangong and two nights at Leh. As we plan to travel from Nubra to Pangong…which is the best route. Your above blog was of 2017 are the roads between Nubra and Pangong better now? We both find your blogs very informative and have been reading up. How many visits have you made till date to Leh Ladakh? Just curious 🙂 Thanks and regards, Sonali

Vargis.Khan July 4, 2019 - 4:19 pm

Hi Sonali – Yes that road is now better. Please see the post below. And I have been to Ladakh a few times, gotta love that place.


Rohit July 4, 2019 - 6:57 am

Hi Vargis,

Could you please let me know, the roads are decent in mid July?
As I am travelling from Delhi to Srinagar to Kargil to Leh to Nubra valley to pong to Manali to Delhi.
Give you valuable input.

Rohit July 4, 2019 - 6:58 am

Travelling in bike

Vargis.Khan July 4, 2019 - 4:28 pm

Hi Rohit – Roads will be OK but Mid July is monsoon season so make sure you are waterproofing everything,

Rutul May 28, 2019 - 6:29 am

Hello again! I have planned my road trip to leh from manali on the 2nd of June. Just wanted to know if the roads are open for leh! Please let me know!

Vargis.Khan May 28, 2019 - 12:13 pm

Not yet and probably won’t be till 15th

Manas Bhargava April 12, 2019 - 10:09 pm

Hello Vargis,

Hope you are doing well.

I am planning a trip to Ladakh with my friends from April 28. I had a small doubt – what is the latest by which we can leave from Leh by a taxi to reach Diskit/ Hunder? Basically, are any roads closed or such restrictions?

We plan on covering a few places like Hall of Fame etc. in the morning and then leave for Nubra Valley (Khardungla Route) – we are fine with just reaching Diskit/ Hunder that day and visiting the places, the next morning.

Hoping to get a response from you.

Thanks and Regards

Vargis.Khan April 13, 2019 - 5:49 am

Hi Manas – There is no timing restriction as such. But try to leave Leh max by 11 AM to reach Diskit well in time.

ishan pande May 15, 2019 - 6:00 pm

Hello Vargis, your article was quite informative. I am doing an bike trip with my wife and two brothers …all on separate bikes by 24 may 19.. my plan includes driving via khardung la to Hunder …stay overnight at Hunder…and next day make an early start for pangong tso …stay overnight at Tangtse and thereafter head back to leh….However the following are my concerns after reading your article.
1. The road from afgham to shyok is in a bad state …will it be navigable on bikes.
2. By the time we reach Hunder from Leh …what will be the state of our petrol Capacity and will it suffice for is to reach pangong next day…also is there any provision of filling fuel in pangong for return back to leh.

Mihir August 15, 2018 - 11:29 am

Hi. Is this a good plan?:
Day 01 – Arrive at Leh at acclimatize
Day 02 – Travel from Leh – Nubra. I will NOT spend much time at Khardung La pass. Stay over at Nubra
Day 03 – Back to Leh from Nubra
Day 04 – Join a packaged tour group. (The packaged tour doesn’t cover Nubra Vally, hence the Day 02 and Day 03)

I’m a bit worried about the AMS. Can you suggest?

Vargis.Khan August 15, 2018 - 12:37 pm

1. How are you traveling on Day 1 and 2?
2. What are you covering on Day 4 and is it just for Day 4?
3. Are you flying out on Day 5?

Somdeep Mukherjee July 14, 2018 - 2:32 pm

Hi Varghis Bhai…can I get taxi from Diskit to Pangong (via Shyok) and drop to Leh in 2 days (1 night stay in Pangong), and if it is available what would be the cost? We are planning to go to Nubra via bus or shared taxi…planning to spend 2 days in Nubra including Turtuk. Our plan is:
Day 1: Leh to Diskit via shared taxi. Visit Hunder and Diskit Monastery.
Day 2: Diskit to Turtuk day visit.
Day 3: Diskit to Pangong (via Shyok).
Day 4: Pangong to Leh.

Vargis.Khan July 14, 2018 - 2:55 pm

Hi Somdeep Bhai – Yes it is possible. For cost estimate, please speak with Nasir in Leh @ 9906229203.

Somdeep Mukherjee July 15, 2018 - 5:00 am

Thanks a lot…actually we are on a restricted budget, so we are looking for shared taxi or bus. There is a bus on Saturday to Phobrang. Is this bus going to Pangong directly or I have to change somewhere to go to Pangong and when this bus reaches Pangong? Can I get return bus next day?

Vargis.Khan July 15, 2018 - 5:48 am

Shared taxis are available daily from Leh main bus stand and will cost you on the same lines as bus. Phobrang is right next to Pangong so even by this Bus you can reach the lake.

Mitra July 16, 2018 - 9:51 am

Hi Vargis Bhai,

We are a family of four and plan to visit Ladakh from 19th to 23rd.Let me know if this itenary looks ok.

19th-Reach Leh at 6.30. Start to pangong by 11 and stay in pangong Tso.Hope i would reach by 6.
20th-Start to Nubra valley and stay there
21-Start to Leh and stay at Leh
22-Leh to sonmarg.stay there.
23rd-Sonmarg to srinagar..take an evening fight out.

Can you also give some suggestions with respect to cab services and places to stay at pangong,nubra and sonmarg.

Also let us know if there would be snow at any place during this period.


Vargis.Khan July 16, 2018 - 6:00 pm

Your itinerary is almost not doable Mitra Bhai. Either add more days to your plan or fly out of Leh only, give up the idea of Srinagar completely.

Mitra July 18, 2018 - 9:14 am

Hi Vargis Bhai,

Acceptable. I am leaving the idea of Kashmir.Please let me know if this is ok.

19th Sep:Reach Leh by 6.30.Get acclimatised. In the evening go to shanti stupa and couple of monasteries.
20th Sep:Leh to pangong lake..Stay there.
21st Sep:Pangong to Nubra via Shayok river..Is it route motorable during this time of the year.
22nd Sep-Nubra to Leh
23rd Sep-Leave Leh to Delhi.

Also let me know if there would be snow by this time.


Vargis.Khan July 18, 2018 - 1:26 pm

Hi Mitra Bhai – Yes the plan looks good. If possible, go to Nubra first and then go to Pangong from there. It is better in terms of acclimatization. Shyok road would be motorable and yes, there is a chance of snowfall at top of the passes in second half of September.

Amit Chawla July 1, 2018 - 7:28 am

Hi Varghis Bhai..we were planning on visiting Nubra on our Day 3 in the region, spend day 4 traveling from Diskit to Turtuk to Panamik and on Day 5 go to Pangong via Shyok. Based on your article above, it appears its not a good idea to travel via Shyok (we are 3 people including a lady..traveling via taxi) because of the (no) road conditions and limited vehicular traffic. As such would you advise that we come back to Leh on Day 4, spend the night there and then leave for Pangong on Day 5 from Leh?

Also for the hotels/guest houses you have included above in Diskit, do they need advance reservation or we can book while there? We will be in Diskit on July 27.

Thanks in advance!

Vargis.Khan July 1, 2018 - 7:54 am

Hello Amit Bhai,

1. Shyok road is fine now. That terrible road condition was a couple years ago but it is a smooth run all the way now. No issues at all. Almost everyone now goes to Nubra and then heads straight to Pangong via this road. No one comes back to Leh so you are OK to go.
2. There is a huge tourist rush in Ladakh this year so I will recommend that you book in advance to avoid any last minute hassle.

Amit Chawla July 1, 2018 - 2:45 pm

Thanks a lot Varghis bhai..this is helpful! Apologies that I didn’t see this msg earlier..went to my junk folder. Also, I had posted on Itinerary thread..not sure if you received it (http://roadragas.com/index.php?threads/suggestions-on-itinerary.4004/#post-8579) so copying it here for your views. Thanks heads in advance!

Dear Varghis Bhai,

Came across this treasure trove while researching for our first trip to Leh. I will be traveling with my sister and nephew from July 24 to July 31. Have some questions to get your perspective.

1. Is the itinerary below the most optimum for our 7 nights 8 days trip or would you recommend any changes to get the most out of this trip? I have read that Pangong to Tso Moriri is quite long so as such would you say that we come back from Panamik to Leh on Day 5 and leave for Tso Moriri on Day 6 from Leh?
Day 1- Arrive in Leh
Day 2- Sham valley
Day 3- Leh to Nubra Valley (Diskit, Hunder)
Day 4- Diskit to Turtuk to Panamik
Day 5- Panamik to Pangong via Shyok
Day 6- Pangong to Tso Moriri
Day 7- Tso Moriri to Leh via Tso Kar
Day 8- Return

2. We already know where we are going to stay upon our arrival in Leh. Do you have recommendations for clean homestays in Diskit or Hunder (night 3), Panamik (night 4), Pangong (night 5), Tso Moriri (night 6)?

3. I read reference of Mr Nasir in your blog as reliable taxi service provider. For Class A or B taxis for this entire trip, how much should we budget for?

4. Weather wise it appears this period will be around mid 20s so as such typical summer clothing would suffice? Am asking this to be sure if early mornings (considering we will have to leave early every day) or late evenings are chilly.

5. I have read mixed feedback about the permit requirements. Is that still required and for which days would we need that?

Thanks in advance for indulging me


also, would you say its better to do
Turtuk on Day 3 (start early from Leh..how early?) and come back to stay overnight at Diskit?
Then on day 4, go to Panamik and come back to Leh to sleep overnight..while doing this, would we have time to do Warshi? I am thinking about this option only because of what I’ve read up on your blog that Shyok road is not good so it might not be best to visit Pangong Tso from Panamik and we should do it from Leh instead?
On day 5, shall we plan on returning from Pangong Tso to Leh as what you’ve recommended in one of your itinerary’s or stay overnight at Pangong and move to Tso Moriri from there? I can see doing the latter is about 11-12 hours of drive..if anything, what would we save by returning to Leh and going to Tso Moriri from there?
As a totally different option (inspired by itinerary 4 from your list!), would you recommend saving one day from Nubra valley and spending that in Hanle instead?
Thank you so much for your time in advance

Vargis.Khan July 1, 2018 - 2:55 pm

Hello Amit – I just replied at the forum thread as well.

Hello Amit Bhai,

1. Yes the itinerary looks good. This will you will make the most of your time in Ladakh and explore maximum. But just make sure that you get an early morning start from Pangong on Day 6, possibly by first light of the day.

2. I am sorry but I do not really have any recommendations for hotels.

3. Nasir runs an Innova of his own. Call him, give my reference and he will provide you the best rates. He can also recommend hotels in Nubra. There is a huge tourist rush this year in Ladkah. Taxis are just not available and even hotels too. So there really isn’t much scope in terms of negotiationg the prices down anywhere.

4. Yes but ensure that you are carrying a heavy windproof warm jacket and some light woolens to survive the evenings and morning. Days will be moderately warm.

5. Yes you will still need Inner line permit.

6. Let to Turtuk and back to Diskit may be a bit too long.

7. Shyok road is fine now. It was terrible a couple of years ago but is a smooth run all the way now. No need to come back to Leh, go straight to Pangong.

8. I will recommend, Yes. It will make the journey a little easier. Both Turtuk and Hanle are beautiful enough but adding Hanle here and skipping Turtuk would make more sense.

Amit Chawla July 1, 2018 - 2:49 pm

(test) just posted a reply here but i don’t see it so sending a test msg.

Amit Chawla July 1, 2018 - 2:54 pm

thanks Vargis bhai..this is helpful. Also, I posted a message on your other blog under itinerary’s but don’t see it yet (http://roadragas.com/index.php?threads/suggestions-on-itinerary.4004/#post-8579) so reposting here:
Dear Vargis Bhai,

Came across this treasure trove while researching for our first trip to Leh. I will be traveling with my sister and nephew from July 24 to July 31. Have some questions to get your perspective.

1. Is the itinerary below the most optimum for our 7 nights 8 days trip or would you recommend any changes to get the most out of this trip? I have read that Pangong to Tso Moriri is quite long so as such would you say that we come back from Pangong to Leh on Day 5 and leave for Tso Moriri on Day 6 from Leh?
Day 1- Arrive in Leh
Day 2- Sham valley
Day 3- Leh to Nubra Valley (Diskit, Hunder)
Day 4- Diskit to Turtuk to Panamik
Day 5- Panamik to Pangong via Shyok
Day 6- Pangong to Tso Moriri
Day 7- Tso Moriri to Leh via Tso Kar
Day 8- Return

2. We already know where we are going to stay upon our arrival in Leh. Do you have recommendations for clean homestays in Diskit or Hunder (night 3), Panamik (night 4), Pangong (night 5), Tso Moriri (night 6)?

3. I read reference of Mr Nasir in your blog as reliable taxi service provider. For Class A or B taxis for this entire trip, how much should we budget for?

4. Weather wise it appears this period will be around mid 20s so as such typical summer clothing would suffice? Am asking this to be sure if early mornings (considering we will have to leave early every day) or late evenings are chilly.

5. I have read mixed feedback about the permit requirements. Is that still required for which days would we need that?

6. As a totally different option (inspired by itinerary 4 from your list!), would you recommend saving one day from Nubra valley and spending that in Hanle instead?

Vargis.Khan July 1, 2018 - 3:02 pm

Hello Amit – I just replied at the forum thread as well.

Hello Amit Bhai,

1. Yes the itinerary looks good. This will you will make the most of your time in Ladakh and explore maximum. But just make sure that you get an early morning start from Pangong on Day 6, possibly by first light of the day.

2. I am sorry but I do not really have any recommendations for hotels.

3. Nasir runs an Innova of his own. Call him, give my reference and he will provide you the best rates. He can also recommend hotels in Nubra. There is a huge tourist rush this year in Ladkah. Taxis are just not available and even hotels too. So there really isn’t much scope in terms of negotiationg the prices down anywhere.

4. Yes but ensure that you are carrying a heavy windproof warm jacket and some light woolens to survive the evenings and morning. Days will be moderately warm.

5. Yes you will still need Inner line permit.

6. Let to Turtuk and back to Diskit may be a bit too long.

7. Shyok road is fine now. It was terrible a couple of years ago but is a smooth run all the way now. No need to come back to Leh, go straight to Pangong.

8. I will recommend, Yes. It will make the journey a little easier. Both Turtuk and Hanle are beautiful enough but adding Hanle here and skipping Turtuk would make more sense.

Amit Chawla July 2, 2018 - 2:08 am

Thanks bhai..yes, your response has been very helpful

Vargis.Khan July 2, 2018 - 4:24 pm

You are welcome Bhai !!!

Nizam June 9, 2018 - 1:44 am

Thanks for this great information. I will arrive Leh for the first time on 4th September alone. Planning to go to Nubra Is quite scare for me but after read this information help me alot. My plan to spend 3days on Nubra. 4th-6th September. I wish i can find cheap rental bike and accomandation at Leh and Nubra. My raferance only google and quite worry about scam and everthing.

Vargis.Khan June 9, 2018 - 1:57 pm

Thanks Nizam.

faadhi June 5, 2018 - 12:14 pm

very very useful post.
I like to visit nubra valley and Turtuk from leh this month 24th. I am first time in leh. we are 4 persons in innova ( my own car ).Can u please suggest a good itinerary . I have 2 days . First day where all should i visit and where to stay etc. like that second day also . If u prefer the time for starting and ending the trip it will be very helpful


Syama May 8, 2018 - 11:26 am

Hi Vargis
Very useful Blog for the first time travelers. I just wanted to know whether taxi’s will be available from Diskit to Turtuk & Warshi.
And also appreciating for this great effort:)

Vargis.Khan May 8, 2018 - 5:55 pm

Hi Syama – Thank you for appreciating. Yes, shared taxis will be available for these places from Leh Bus stand.

Naren May 9, 2018 - 11:21 am

Hi Vargis,

Many thanks for sharing valuable insights!!!

I intend to visit Nubra as per following schedule, Is it safe with family?

16 May (Arrive @ Leh via flight) & straight away head to Nubra for 2 nights
18 May -20 May stay @ Leh
21 May ( take a flight to Delhi)

Vargis.Khan May 9, 2018 - 1:32 pm

Naren – You cannot go directly to Nubra because you will first have to get the permits for it from Leh. Will have to stay in Leh for at least a day before you go to Nubra Valley.

Himanshu May 5, 2018 - 8:29 am

Below is the itinerary, we are two couples recently married visiting Leh -Ladakh

2- July -2018 – no vehicle
Airport to Hotel, have Lot of water and in evening have some walk in market to get acclimatized

3- July -2018 – car
Head for Lamayuru , enroute visit to Hall of fame, Magnetic Hill, Gurudwara, Alchi Monestry back to Leh

4- July -2018 – Bike
Leh to Panamik Hotspring via Khardong La Pass, Village, Khalsar and Sumar stay at Panamik / Sumur

5- July -2018 – Bike
visit to Hunder, Diskit and stay at Hunder

6- July -2018 – Bike
Nubra Valley to Leh

7- July -2018 – Car
Leh to Pangong Tso, Man & Merak

8- July -2018 – Car
Pangong Tso to leh

9- July -2018 – No vehicle
River Rafting

10- July -2018
Fly Back

Pls suggest modifications if required.

Vargis.Khan May 6, 2018 - 2:52 am

No, your itinerary looks great. No change required at all.

Mani Sharma March 24, 2018 - 5:28 pm

Hi Vargis,

Very Informative Blog !! Very Usefull for first time travellers.

I have one question in mind.. Can we do Leh to Khardungla – Diskit – Hunder and back to leh on the same day. I will leave as early from leh as possible by my own SUV. Kindly Guide me in this regard.

Vargis.Khan March 26, 2018 - 4:09 pm

Hi Mani – Yes you can easily do it. I have done it on my Bullet. Start from Leh by fist light of the day though. Make sure that while returning to Leh, you have crossed Khardung top maximum by 5 PM.

Arun April 16, 2018 - 1:47 pm

Hey Vargis,

great and very informative blog. I am planning for Leh – ladak in June via a Road as we are one couple and will be going in our hatchback. after reading your blog, i am well convinced that i should not take wari la route from Nubra Valley to pangong lake. Earlier i was planning Leh to Nubra (overnight stay) than next day Nubra to pangong (overnight stay). now i am thinking to come back same day from Nubra to Leh and next day go to pangong from Leh. Please suggest, share your views.

Vargis.Khan April 16, 2018 - 8:06 pm

Hi Arun – You are right. Do not take your hatchback across Wari La. I have been to Wari La twice but both times in a 4×4 vehicle, once a safari and then a scorpio. Both of the times we had 4×4 enagaged and even then the vehicles showed signs of stress so you can imagine. Travel across Shyok route if it is open and if not, then come back to Leh from Nubra.

Arup March 20, 2018 - 1:24 pm

I like to plan from Pangong to Nubra. Is it possible to reach Diskit from Pangong via Shyok and Agam in one day?

Vargis.Khan March 20, 2018 - 2:23 pm

Easily. It will take you about 6-7 hours at most via Agham Shyok road.

Eshan January 29, 2018 - 10:54 am

Hi Vargis,

I was planning a 4 day trip to Leh and wanted to be doubly sure if i should undertake it or not. Would love if you could help understand the below trip would work or not –

1. Arrive at Leh early morning via flight and take complete rest.
2. Leave for Nubra at around 10 in the morning and stay at Nubra. [Wanted to know if there is a route which avoids Khardung La and is it safe?]
3. Leave for Leh at around 12 next day.
4. Do a day trip to Pangong and return to Leh.
5. Fly out in the morning.

All the permits, accomodation and mode of travel would be pre-arranged.

Vargis.Khan January 29, 2018 - 3:49 pm

Hi Ehsan,

Your itinerary is definitely doable however there is no other route except for Khardung La in order to Nubra. This route as a matter is quite safe and you got nothing to worry about as long as you are with a good driver. You will be renting a private taxi, correct?

I have covered the topic of Ladakh in 4 days in a differen article. Take a look at the link below, should answer most of your questions. Let me know if you need any further information.


Mohit Sewani September 25, 2017 - 10:03 am

Hi Vargis,

I will be taking this route on the 2nd or 3rd of October, 2017, the route through Khardungla pass. I have “Zero” experience of riding a bike on the hills. And also I am going solo, however I will get connected to few bikers on the route. Is it safe to take this route for me on a bike??

Vargis.Khan September 28, 2017 - 3:06 pm

Hello Mohit

The road from Leh from Leh to Nubra is mostly in good condition with the rough patch only around Khardung La top. So yes, you are OK to go as long as you ride slow and carefully. Maybe not hills but I am guessing you have decent enough riding experience in plains?

Thuy Ngo September 15, 2017 - 5:49 am

I want to stay in Nurba for a while (from November to December 2012) what advice would you give me? Can I easily rent a permanent room? Thank you very much for your article and suggestions!

Thuy Ngo September 15, 2017 - 5:51 am

sorry I want to say is from November to December 2017

Vargis.Khan September 15, 2017 - 3:29 pm

You will have to make you arrangements for stay in advance because most of the hotels and guest houses in Ladakh become non-operational in winter. Call any of the hotels in Nubra and tell them about your plans. They should be able to arrange your stay. It won’t definitely be cheap because cost of living rises once cold starts to settle in.

wanderchu September 8, 2017 - 9:59 am

Hi Vargis, we would like to stay in Diskit and do Hunder and Khardung La on the way back to Leh in one day. Will this be possible?

Vargis.Khan September 8, 2017 - 5:24 pm

Hello – Yes it is. You will cross Khardung La on your way from Leh to Diskit so it will already be covered.

wanderchu September 8, 2017 - 6:11 pm

and I can take the same route back to Leh if I want to cover Khardung La again, is that right?
Thank you for the reply!

Vargis.Khan September 8, 2017 - 6:37 pm

Correct. You will start from Leh, cross Khardung La, reach Diskit and stay there for the night. Next day, start early from Diskit, reach Hunder or go even all the way to Turtuk and return to Leh. Or you can start from Diskit, visit Hunder, then take the diversion towards Panamik, explore that a bit and return to Leh. Third choice is that you can go straight to Pangong from Nubra via Shyok road without needing to come back to Leh

Arjun Dhawan August 8, 2017 - 4:50 am

HI Vargis,

on the second day we have planned for  \”Leh Local Sightseeing\”, DO we need to hire a bike for this or walking is good idea ?

Thanks in advance .

Vargis.Khan August 8, 2017 - 2:04 pm

Walking will be a bit much Arjun Bhai. Places like Shanti Stoopa, Leh Palace, Shey Palace are a little far for walking so hiring a bike will be a good idea.

Rajiv May 19, 2017 - 12:13 pm

Hi Vargis
Good Day, First You are doing wonderful job, really appreciate yourefforts

I need a suggestion, can I take my compact saden (Tata Zest ) to Leh to Nubra Valley via Khardung La and
leh to pangong lake route ?

Vargis.Khan May 19, 2017 - 2:31 pm

Hello Rajiv, Thank you for your kind words.

Yes you can take your Sedan to both Nubra and Pangong, just keep a few things in mind.

1. Drive slow, goes without saying 🙂
2. Do it in four days. Leh to Nubra, Nubra to Leh, Leh to Pangong, Pangong to Leh.
3. Do not attempt reaching Pangong directly from Nubra valley. come back to Leh first and then go the next day. Both the direct routes, Agham Shyok and Wari La are not suitable for a Sedan.
4. Roads will be terribly bad at several places between South Pullu – Khardung La – North Pullu while going to Nubra. There will be water streams so take your car across carefully.
5. Roads will be bad again around Chang La top while going to Pangong. Water streams here as well.

Vikas April 11, 2017 - 5:53 am

Hi Vargis,

Is it possible to reach “Pangong” from “Nubra” without coming back to Leh????

Vargis.Khan April 12, 2017 - 3:02 am

Hi Vikas – Yes you can do it. I have explained the route in detail at the following article.


Sanchari Rakshit December 21, 2016 - 6:43 am

Hi, We would be travelling in the first week of May, we have a 4 year old baby. Is it fine? Also we will be reaching by air, will Nubra and Kurdangla Pass open during that time?

Vargis.Khan December 22, 2016 - 12:04 am

Yes it will be fine with a 4 year old child. Nubra and Khardung La will be open. You may also want to take a look at the article below, about travelling to Ladakh with children.


Vargis.Khan October 2, 2016 - 9:30 am

Brijesh – You can do either, rent a bike or cab, whatever seems convenient. You can follow the following,

Day 1 – Leh to Nubra and back
Day 2 – Leh to Pangong
Day 3 – Pangong to Leh

or if you can extend one more day then do the following,

Day 1. Leh to Nubra
Day 2. Nubra to Leh
Day 3. Leh to Pangong
Day 4 . Pangong to Leh

Read the following post about renting motorcycles in Leh


brijesh pal September 29, 2016 - 10:55 am

Sir we are planning for a 3 day trip of leh & nubra valley starting from 24 October. Sir please suggest us about weather conditions at that period of time & also give us some useful advice on how to plan a trip from leh to nubra . And also tell about necessary items & permits required during the trip & most important about the network available in the nubra valley…

Vargis.Khan September 30, 2016 - 1:18 am

How are you reaching Leh Brijesh? Are you driving of taking a flight?

brijesh pal September 30, 2016 - 7:46 am

By flight

Vargis.Khan October 1, 2016 - 8:56 am

Weather will be very cold in October and no, you do not need any permits to visit Nubra valley. Are you planning to rent motorcycles in Leh to visit Nubra or are you booking a cab?

brijesh pal October 2, 2016 - 3:04 am

Our priority will be renting a bike from leh so please suggest us whether took a bike on rent or book a cab . And also suggest us that can we include pangong lake in 3 day trip or we have to extend trip for 1 more day..

Kanchan August 28, 2016 - 12:36 pm

Hi ,
We are coming For 4 days and 5th day morning we are going back,
The tour covers local sight seeing in Leh and adjusting to the climate .
The 3 day is to and fro to pangong lake. The 4th Davis to Khardung la.

Is there anyway we can add Nubra valley in this trip ?

We are going from 6th sept to 10 sept


Vargis.Khan August 29, 2016 - 8:30 pm

Yes you can add Nubra valley. Khardung La is merely 35 kilometers from Leh, will not take more than an hour and a half to get to the top. Start early from Leh, cross khardung La and continue to Nubra valley towards Diskit / Hunder. It is easily doable. In case you are not able to make it all the way to Diskit, go as far as you can until 12 noon or 1 PM and return from there.

Kanchan August 30, 2016 - 1:52 pm

Thank you so much for the reply. Yes we made the booking.
I had one more question . We are going from mumbai to Leh on 6th morning reaching at 6:30. We would take 5/6 hours for acclimatization . In the afternoon I would go for some monasteries , Leh palace and shanti stupa. 2nd day to Khardung la and route to Nubra valley . Stay overnight. 3rd day to Dikshit Monastery and back to Leh back from Nubra. 4th day to pangong and back . 5th day back to mumbai in morning .
Everybody is saying that could be a breathing problem due to heights .
Amy suggestions , tips and help will be greatly appreciated . We are just two of us through a customized tour.


Vargis.Khan August 31, 2016 - 8:51 pm

There will not be any breathing problem unless there is a medical condition like Asthma. If no medical conditon then you got nothing to worry about. Lot of people from all age groups visit Ladakh now each year now. I would recommend that you take a look at the following post for more information on AMS.


Debasis Sahoo August 10, 2016 - 7:27 pm

Hi Vargis,
We are visiting leh from 23rd Aug to 2nd Sep. Please advise to reach delhi airport on 4th sep, when should we leave Leh (at which date)? I am planning to leave leh on 1st sep, to reach manali on 2nd sep, then from Manali to Delhi will be good in 3-4th sep.
Please advise

Vargis.Khan August 11, 2016 - 12:40 am

Hi Debasis – Yes you can complete the Manali Leh highway in 2 days as well. Start early from Leh on 1st and you can reach Manali by 2nd late evening

jasmine lay July 22, 2016 - 9:45 am

Hi Vargis ,How much for a taxi charges from Leh to Deskit ? Thank you

Vargis.Khan July 24, 2016 - 9:37 pm

Hello Jasmine, please take a look at the following post for taxi rates in Ladakh.


Reshma July 13, 2016 - 5:38 pm

We are visiting in first to second week of September …any tips for that time of the year .

Vargis.Khan July 16, 2016 - 7:24 pm

It is actually a good time to visit, won’t be that crowded as well at that time. No tips as such specifically for Nubra valley, just make sure that you visit both the Turtuk and Warshi stretch.

Shrikant July 1, 2016 - 10:07 am

Dear Vargish, Very Nice Post. We are coming leh 2nd week of this month and definitely follow your instructions.


Vargis.Khan July 1, 2016 - 12:05 pm

Thank you Shrikant

Vargis.Khan June 30, 2016 - 12:13 am

Rahul – No permits required for Warshi. By early start, I meant like between 7 to 8 AM,

Kevin June 28, 2016 - 12:08 pm

Thanks Vergis it was very informative.

Vargis.Khan June 28, 2016 - 8:34 pm

You are welcome Kevin

Rahul Kumar June 27, 2016 - 5:58 pm

Such a detailed post. I wonder why this page doesn’t show in top ten searches. Would be following this same route. Just wanted a suggestion should turtuk be covered or skipped in this circuit?

Vargis.Khan June 28, 2016 - 4:25 am

Thanks Rahul. It entirely depends on how much time you have. If you are planning a night stay in Nubra then by all means, go all the way to Turtuk

Rahul Kumar June 28, 2016 - 5:19 pm

Thanks Vargis for your reply.
Yes I have a plan to stay in Diskit/Hunder(Which do you suggest). Will try complete this route need your suggestions.

Leh(leave by 5:30am)->Khardung->Diskit->Turtuk->Diskit/Hunder(Stay)
Next day Diskit/Hunder->Pramanik->Leh

Or should I stay in Turtuk(But not many accommodations available economically)

Vargis.Khan June 28, 2016 - 8:39 pm

Staying in Diskit or Hunder is a better option … Go all the way till Turtuk and the return to either of these places to spend the night, it will also give you some time to explore the Panamik side the next day. On day 2, leave as early as you can, go towards Panamik, all the way till Warshi village and return to Leh but make sure you have an early start in the morning.

Read the following post for more info on the Panamik Warshi route.


Rahul Kumar June 29, 2016 - 7:53 pm

What time do you think is best for an early start?
And also just went across your link. Do we need permit for Warshi?

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