Where to go on Honeymoon? It is one of the most pondered questions among newly married couples. The answer to it majorly depends on your own preference…
Nishtha Verma

Nishtha Verma
Nishtha is an avid traveler and her favorite place to visit is anywhere in the Himalayas. She is either traveling or planning for her next trip when she is not.
The idea of travelling solo with a child may seem a little scary at first. But if you planned well, then it is not really that complicated.…
A common notion when it comes to road trips is that they are fun as long as you plan them with friends. In my opinion, however, road…
The first thing that I did after watching The Penalty on Netflix was to call my friend who recommended me this movie and give him an earful.…
First things first. Though I am a huge horror fan, I never would probably have watched The Maid. Even the very poster of the movie looks discouraging.…
I read in an article somewhere that most of the reviews that Breathe: Into the Shadows received from the critics were negative and I really do not…
Bored over a weekend, I was browsing through Netflix trying to find something to watch. When I couldn’t decide, I sought help from Google and searched for…
1922 Netflix movie is not a recent release and it has been online for almost 3 years now. So yes, this review is a little too late…
The only reason why I started watching Castle Rock in the first place was that it had Stephen King’s name associated with it. Been a fan of…
I have no idea why they even bothered making or releasing this movie? Or what was the director even thinking exactly? Or did the makers even saw…