Clothes for Kashmir Trip – Things to Pack for Kashmir Trip

by Vargis.Khan

clothes for kashmir trip

So much has been said and written about the beauty of Kashmir that there is not much left to add. However, there is one thing that can still puzzle a lot of people, especially first-time visitors. What kind of clothes for Kashmir trip should you be packing?

Everyone knows it is going to be a little cold up there but then how cold? Should you be packing all your heavy woolen clothes or will the light ones do? What kind of shoes do you need and what else should you be putting inside your travel bag?

These are some of the questions that we will be discussing in this post. Depending on the time of your travel and itinerary, I will mention a few tips that can be of help in finalizing your packing list for Kashmir.

If you have any other questions, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to answer. For all other details on Kashmir like mobile connectivity, public transport, taxi services, and several other tips, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir – A Complete Travel Guide.

For organizing your trip to Kashmir, booking a taxi, or getting the best hotel rates, you can contact Kunal @ 9910 402 252. Give him my reference and he will be able to get you the best and the lowest rates possible.

Clothes for Kashmir Trip

The clothes that you need for visiting Kashmir will vary according to the season and month of your trip. It will also depend on the places you have in mind to visit and your mode of commute as well.

Then you also have to take local culture and sensibilities into consideration. Let’s have a look at the packing list for a Kashmir trip, according to the months.

Also Read: What to see in Pahalgam | Sightseeing in Pahalgam

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in January

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap to cover your head and neck and possibly face as well / Monkey Cap
  • Heavy Woolen Clothing
  • Thermals / Warmers
  • Woolen Socks
  • Warm & Waterproof Gloves
  • Snow boots or Waterproof Trekking Boots
  • Sunglasses

You should expect the average temperature in January below 0 degrees and pack accordingly. The chances and intensity of snowfall are highest this month. If you are planning to go to Gulmarg or Pahalgam, you will definitely witness a live snowfall.

If you do not have snow boots then you can bring your normal shoes as well. Just make sure that pack the ones that can stand getting wet and are at least ankle-high to prevent any snow from entering the shoes.

If you want to go playing around in the snow, then snow boots are available for rent in almost all of the places where it snows.

Good quality warmers that you can wear underneath your clothes will be highly beneficial. The second most important thing is to pack a high-quality, warm, and windproof jacket.

The video below should give you an idea of the kind of weather you should expect while visiting Kashmir in winter. I also rented boots during this trip myself so you will get an idea about that as well.

Clothes for Kashmir Trip in February

The weather in February is pretty much the same as in January but snow on the ground will be even more this month. The average temperature will remain to be below zero degrees Celsius.

The temperature during the day can be a little higher but the nights will be even colder. When you are booking your hotel, make sure that you ask about the availability of bed-warmers and heaters in the room.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap to cover your head and neck and possibly face as well / Monkey Cap
  • Heavy Woolen Clothing
  • Thermals
  • Woolen Socks
  • Warm & Waterproof Gloves
  • Snow boots or Waterproof Trekking Boots
  • Sunglasses

Clothes for Kashmir Trip in March

Things start to warm up a little in March but it will still be terribly cold, especially at nights in places like Gulmarg and Pahalgam.

Early March is considered to be the best time to plan a winter trip to Kashmir for people who do not want to experience terribly cold weather. Chances of witnessing a snowfall however will be considerably less in March.

Sonamarg remains closed in January and February but is open in March. So if you were planning a trip in late March, Sonamarg is where you will find snow.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap to cover your head and neck and possibly face as well / Monkey Cap
  • Heavy Woolen Clothing to wear in the evenings, morning, and nights
  • Light woolen or regular cotton clothes for the day
  • Woolen Socks
  • Warm & Waterproof Gloves
  • Snow boots or Waterproof Trekking Boots
  • Sunglasses

Take a look at the video below to know the kind of weather Pahalgam sees during the winter season.

Clothes for Kashmir Trip in April

April brings the spring season to Kashmir. It is one of the months when it is most crowded in the valley. April is when the famous Tulip garden in Srinagar is in full bloom.

The weather will not be as cold during the day but the temperature in the morning and evening will still drop significantly. During the day, you will mostly be in your regular cotton clothes and a jacket. At the night, however, the temperature will definitely drop quite close to 0 degrees.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap
  • Regular Cotton Clothes
  • Light woolens
  • Regular Socks
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

One thing that I should add here though is that if you were visiting in early April, you should pack a couple of heavy woolens as well. The weather continues to get warmer as the month progresses but is quite cold in the early days.

Clothes for Kashmir Trip in May

The summer season arrives and things start to warm up. You will not even need a regular jacket during the day. As a matter of fact, you will be quite surprised at how hot it gets in Srinagar during the day.

Even in places like Gulmarg and Pahalgam, the sun is quite harsh. Once the morning is done, you will be trying to escape the sun and look for shade. This is the reason why I added sunblock lotion to the list below.

For a trip in May, just pack your regular cotton clothes, a couple of light woolens, and a jacket. That will suffice.

  • A Regular Leather or Fleece Jacket
  • Regular Cotton Clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

Also Read: Aharbal Waterfall – A Complete Travel Guide

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in June

This is the hottest month of the year in Kashmir. In Srinagar, the day temperature can cross 30 degrees celsius. Even in places like Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam, the weather will be quite warm.

Just pack your regular cotton clothes for a trip in June and you will be Ok. The monsoon season arrives in the valley towards the end of the month and you may have to face some light showers.

  • A Regular Leather or Fleece Jacket
  • Regular Cotton Clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

You do not necessarily have to pack an entire rain gear but bringing an umbrella will be beneficial.

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in July

The months of July and August are when the monsoon is in full swing. Kashmir receives heavy snowfall each year and sometimes it can rain for days altogether.

For a trip in June, pack clothes that can dry faster, like polyester, or light cotton clothes. Definitely do not pack anything that will take days to dry in the hotel if you got wet somewhere.

  • A Regular Leather or Fleece Jacket
  • Rain Gear
  • Regular Cotton / Polyester Clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

The weather will vary between hot if it did not rain, and pleasant if it rained.

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in August

The monsoon season continues in the month of August as well. I will highly recommend looking at the weather report and conditions in the valley before you plan the trip.

  • A Regular Leather or Fleece Jacket
  • Rain Gear
  • Regular Cotton / Polyester Clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

Is monsoon season safe to visit Kashmir or the Himalayan region? It will entirely depend on how bad the weather was. I like being in the hills during the rainy season because of the lush views but there is also a risk of landslides and roadblocks at this time.

The only thing that you can really do is to keep an eye on the weather. If it was just the regular monsoon season, you are Ok to go. If the news were reporting heavy rains in Kashmir, you should postpone your trip for later.

clothes for kashmir trip

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in September

September is my favorite month to be in Kashmir or to be anywhere in the Himalayas for that matter. Monsoon would be all gone but would have left plenty of greenery behind. This is possibly the best time to visit Kashmir for photography.

The mountains would be all lush as if they have been washed clean and anew. The weather would be pleasant, neither too cold, nor too hot. The average temperature will range between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, perfect to plan a vacation.

You should still expect some rain if visiting in the earlier part of the month. By mid-September, it starts to get a little cold, especially at night. But you can still manage the trip in your cotton clothes and a few light woolens or a jacket.

  • A Regular Leather or Fleece Jacket
  • Regular cotton clothes
  • Few light woolen clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in October

I have been in Kashmir in October and was surprised at how hot it actually got during the day, especially in Srinagar. But by the middle of the month, winter starts to settle in by October and the temperature starts to drop rapidly at night.

I will recommend packing plenty of cotton clothes, light woolens, and a warm jacket for a trip to Kashmir in October. The woolens and jacket would mostly get used in the evening and morning only unless you were visiting at the end of the month.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Light woolen clothes
  • Regular cotton clothes
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunblock Lotion

Also Read: Srinagar Taxi Rates 2019 – The Revised List

Clothes to wear in Kashmir in November

November is my least favorite month to be in the mountains. The weather will be dry and the scenery dull. The only upside is that since it is the offseason, the trip may cost you a little less.

In terms of the weather, it starts to snow in the higher reaches of Kashmir in November and the weather will once again become terribly cold.

There will not be any snow in the lower regions but you will still feel the chill in the wind. For a trip in November, you should pack for some really low temperatures, especially in the early and late hours of the day.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap to cover your head and neck and possibly face as well / Monkey Cap
  • Heavy Woolen Clothing
  • Thermals
  • Woolen Socks
  • Warm & Waterproof Gloves
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses

Clothes for Kashmir Trip in December

It is not necessary but would be better to pack Snow boots if you were visiting towards the end of December. Your clothing would have to be the kind that can keep you warm in freezing cold weather.

It does not snow in the lower regions for most of December. Even if it did, it will just be a little and will melt all away soon. It is mostly by December that areas like Sonamarg and Gulmarg start to receive heavy snowfall.

  • Heavy windproof and warm Jacket
  • Woolen Cap to cover your head and neck and possibly face as well / Monkey Cap
  • Heavy Woolen Clothing
  • Thermals
  • Woolen Socks
  • Warm & Waterproof Gloves
  • Shoes with good grip
  • Sunglasses

clothes for kashmir trip

What type of clothes should I wear in Kashmir?

Apart from the clothing required in terms of the weather, let us discuss it in terms of the place you are visiting. This will apply irrespective of the time of your trip.

You must remember that Kashmir is a Muslim-majority region where every woman you see will be covered from head to toe.

As a tourist woman visiting the region, you do not really want to dress in a way that will offend the locals and make you the odd one out. When you are packing your bag, as a general rule, pack clothes that will keep your shoulders and legs covered.

You do not have to pack all Indian traditional clothes only. Jeans, tops, trousers, and T-Shirts are all fine. Just make sure that they are not too tight or body-hugging.  At the same time, they shouldn’t be a bit transparent type either.

Long Skirts will be fine as well. A very important item will be either a scarf or a shawl. So in case, you were wearing something sleeveless, just cover your shoulders and chest with a scarf.

No, I am not judging anyone or trying to pass a conservative opinion. I am merely sharing tips that can be of help. If you are visiting a certain place and you want the locals there to be respectful, you would also have to respect their customs and traditions, that is all.

For visiting a dargah, mosque, or any other religious place, you would be required to cover your head anyways and a shawl will come in handy at that time.

Things to Pack for Kashmir Trip

Other than the clothes, mentioned below are a few more essential items that you should pack while visiting Kashmir.


First and foremost, you must carry ample cash with you. Whether it is a cab service or a pony ride or eating in a restaurant or buying some local stuff, you will need to pay in cash.

You may be able to pay by your credit or debit card in major tourist hubs like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, or Sonamarg but for the rest of the places, it is mostly cash only.

Even for Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam, you may run into a situation where there was no connectivity and hence they could not accept cards. So carry sufficient cash wherever you go.

Mobile Network & Data Connectivity

Prepaid mobile services do not work in Kashmir. So you must have a postpaid connection on your mobile phone to use it in Kashmir.

BSNL and MTNL have the largest connectivity here followed closely by Airtel and Jio. If you are keeping your trip limited only to popular tourist spots, your phone will work fine irrespective of which network you were on.

4G Data works in Kashmir in most places except for remote areas. If there was unrest in the valley, the internet is the first thing that gets shut down here.

Liquor / Alcohol

Please ensure that you are not carrying any alcohol with you and are not openly consuming it anywhere in Kashmir. If you do want to drink, then there are a couple of shops in Srinagar that you can buy it from. Several hotels also have bars and will arrange liquor for you.

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Lastly, the most important thing is the documents. Do carry your identity proof with you all the time during your stay in Kashmir. It may be required at any point in time.

Aadhar Card is what you will be asked to produce at almost every check post. So bring yours along and if you don’t have one, then get one made before the trip.

Other Accessories

  • Basic medicines like Flu, fever, upset stomach, and painkillers
  • If you are prone to altitude sickness, then you may have to bring some medicines for that as well
  • Cold cream, lip balm, and moisturizer if you were planning for a winter trip
  • Sunglasses

Weather in Kashmir

Last but not least, let me also talk briefly about how the weather in Kashmir trends in the year.

in April, May & June

The months of April, May, and June are the summer months in Kashmir. April is actually the onset of summer just after the spring season but things start to warm up in this month itself.

The average temperature in Kashmir during this period is about 25 degrees Celsius. It may get a little colder at night. In May and June, the day temperature can sometimes be even higher than 25 degrees.

So, if you are visiting Kashmir from April to June, pack cotton clothes like T-Shirts, jeans, jeggings, half sleeves shirts, and tops along with cotton trousers. Khadi clothes will also be comfortable in this weather.

Apart from this, you must carry some light woolen clothes with you. Nights are generally colder and you will definitely need at least a jacket in the evenings and mornings.

Monsoon hits the region towards the end of June. If that is when you were planning to go, you may have to face a light drizzle as well.

Also Read: Gurez Valley – The Most Comprehensive Travel Guide

in July and August

July and August are the monsoon months when Kashmir Valley experiences heavy rainfall. So, carrying a raincoat or waterproof jacket and pants is a must. If you were traveling in your own car then bring along an umbrella too.

In these months, you can bring your regular cotton clothes and that will suffice. During the day, you will actually just be walking around wearing your regular cotton clothes and won’t even feel the need of putting on something warm or heavy.

Do not forget to carry light woolen clothes as it tends to get a bit colder during the night. Overall, the weather is generally pleasant during the day with temperatures hovering about 25 degrees Celsius.

The weather during this period is warm but not very hot. But you will surely enjoy the wet months as the whole Kashmir Valley welcomes greenery all around during this period. You will see green wherever you go.

So light clothes with something to save you from rain will be sufficient. In the mornings and evenings, a light jacket, pullover, or hoodie will be enough.

Also Read: Places to Visit in Sonamarg | Things to do in Sonamarg

in September & October

September and October months in Kashmir are comparatively quiet months. With the peak season of May and June over and monsoon rains also behind them, Kashmiris have very fewer crowd tourists to welcome.

Apart from this, the weather is also pleasant, though it starts to get colder. There are chances of fresh snowfall towards late November in high-altitude areas, though the frequency and intensity will not be that much.

So, if you are planning to visit Kashmir in September or October, your packing list must include warm clothes. In fact, you must include heavy woolen clothes as you will need these during mornings and evenings.

If you want to visit Pahalgam and Gulmarg, it will be quite cold there, so you must have your heavy woolens with you. Particularly if you are traveling with kids, you must carry full sleeves sweaters, warm jackets, and socks for them.

Also Read: Food to Try in Kashmir – What to Eat in Kashmir

November to March

These are the winter months. The Kashmir Valley becomes a land of snow during the period from Mid-December to early March. You will see snow everywhere as it snows heavily in the valley.

The winters are really harsh here. But there is no winter like a Kashmir winter. Enjoying the local hot Kahwa and looking at snow-covered peaks is bliss.

For visiting Kashmir in the months from November to March, you have to carry heavy woolen clothes with you. Full sleeves sweaters, pullovers, overcoats, and warm socks should be on your packing list.

Besides, you must also carry accessories like mufflers, warm caps, woolen or warm gloves, earmuffs, etc. You may also want to carry warmers as these will help you keep warm all through and particularly in high-altitude areas. Also, include water-resistant jackets in your luggage.

You will need to have boots and not your usual sports shoes as these are prone to slipping on the snow. Snow boots are ideal for this season, but you can get them on rent as well at every major tourist spot.

So no need to carry a pair from home if you don’t want to or don’t own one. Along with all this, you should have a waterproof bag as well. So that if it snows, you can save your essentials like your mobile, money, and documents from getting wet.

Clothes for Kashmir Trip – Conclusion

The beauty of Kashmir has survived generations and eras. When the Mughals came to Kashmir and saw its beauty, they called it a paradise on earth.

So it is not surprising that Kashmir attracts so many tourists and is widely acknowledged as one of the top tourist destinations, both nationally as well as internationally.

Tall trees, dense forests, deep valleys, lush green meadows, pristine lakes, beautiful rivers, crystal clear waterfalls, high mountains, and snow-covered peaks; Kashmir has it all. Add to it the mesmerizing Mughal gardens, the Shikaras, and the houseboats of Srinagar and you can’t ask for more.

I hope the information above on clothes for Kashmir trip was of help. If you have any questions, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and asking a question there.

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Shweta June 4, 2024 - 11:50 am

Kya me October me kashmir ghumne ja skti hu …

Shweta June 4, 2024 - 11:51 am

Kya me October me kashmir ghumne ja skti hu … October’ m Jana chahiye ya nhi .

PURAN CHOUDHARY November 21, 2023 - 6:54 am

Helli Vargis bhai, first of all thanks for your valuable advice for all my past trips. This is another trip with my family. This time Kashmir. We have planned 16th Dec to 22nd dec 2023. All adults no kid. Please advise me good itinerary excluding Pahalgam.
Waiting for your feedback. Thanks

Manisha Kalgutkar October 9, 2023 - 8:32 am

We are planning to visit in October 23 end, which is aslack season. Does that mean that Kashmir is not enjoyable in October?

Vargis.Khan October 9, 2023 - 10:01 am

It is enjoyable but you may find views a little dull

Bharat kathiriya August 2, 2023 - 11:46 am


WE plan for November it is good to visit at that time or need to change it.

Vargis.Khan August 3, 2023 - 8:13 am

November is not a good time to visit Kashmir. Better to change

Abu Md Shahidul Alim July 3, 2023 - 4:34 am

You tell them they need an Adhar card for every check posted. So how can we collect it and where it will be found

Vargis.Khan July 3, 2023 - 9:16 am

You just need to show your Aadhar card. They won’t keep it

Pavithra April 1, 2023 - 5:13 pm

Hello sir..your blog is so informative…which is the authentic site to book cable car ride phase 2? Thank you

Vargis.Khan April 2, 2023 - 6:44 am

Thank you. Below is the link to booking page

Anuya Patrikar April 1, 2023 - 11:22 am

Thank you so much Mr Vargis Khan!
Your blog is very informative and it cleared my doubts about things to carry.
You have given lot of information about the type of clothes to wear, things to carry, phone network and necessity of cash and card. Thanks a lot for all this.
We are planning to go in 2nd week of April. I think there won’t be any problem with food as we are Vegetarians.

Vargis.Khan April 2, 2023 - 6:55 am

Thank you, Anuya Ji. You will not face any problems, plenty of vegetarian restaurants all over Kashmir.

Sachin Khandekar March 31, 2023 - 6:34 am

Hi Vargis,
Myself and my wife are travelling to Kashmir (Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, ABC Valley & Doodhpathri) from 29-Apr to 5-May 2023.
I wanted to know what kind of clothes, shoes would be required during this period considering the weather and snow conditions at various places.
Your blog speaks a lot about it, however, wanted to know the latest information based on the weather during the dates mentioned above.

Vargis.Khan April 1, 2023 - 7:05 am

It will be the same that I mentioned in the post above Sachin. There won’t be any snow at the time of your travel.

Suman jain March 22, 2023 - 7:43 pm

Hi ….the blog is very helpfull , it gives a clarification about what are the essential needs for the holiday may the clothes and the weather….Thank u ☺️

Vargis.Khan March 23, 2023 - 1:54 pm

Thank you for your kind words Suman

Chandan Mohanty February 12, 2023 - 5:37 pm

Hi, travelling to sonmarg, gulmerg and pahalgam in March last week with my wife, 7 yr son and 61 yr mother… What type of winter wear shoes in particular.. Does thajiwas glacier will opened by 25th march

Vargis.Khan February 21, 2023 - 12:30 pm

Normal sports shoes will be Ok in March. You can rent boots in Sonamarg and Gulmarg for a few hours if needed. Thajiwas should be open by March end but it all depends on the weather.

Sagar December 9, 2022 - 10:22 am

Amazing blog! It’s really helpful.
I need guidance with shoes, I am visiting in the last week of December and want to know if I need to carry sports shoes or if I will have to buy Snow Boots or waterproof shoes. Your guidance would be helpful.

Vargis.Khan December 10, 2022 - 1:19 pm

Thank you !!!

You can carry your normal sports shoes and rent snow boots there wherever required

Archana November 2, 2022 - 2:42 am

Thanks a lot for a detailed blog on Kashmir, appreciate your efforts, time and everything that you thought of including in these articles

sonia March 31, 2022 - 5:25 am

what about travelling kashmir in the month of may? please sugest clothes and accessories

HARSHITA YADAV May 21, 2022 - 4:54 pm

Plzz carry a jacket,woolen caps,and socks with you…
I’m currently in Srinagar visited as a tourist There is too cold in pahelgam….We can’t even touch the water….And also you should carry an umbrella with you b’coz suddenly raining can start!!But also you can take it on he rent there at 50/- …But we were cheated that’s why we have to buy a new umbrella worth 200/-….
Srinagar’s wheater is quite pleasant!! Neither too cold nor to hot!!….But for pahelgam you should definitey carry some winter clothes!!
Hope this information is useful for you and all the other people who were confused!!!☺

Anshika Mittal March 9, 2022 - 1:53 pm

Where to buy shoes for kashmir except decathlon ? We are visiting in the month of March.

Archana November 2, 2022 - 2:39 am

Is Decathalon shoes not recommeded?

Anirban Chakraborty February 27, 2022 - 4:29 pm

Hi, i am travelling in 3rd week of March with Family. I wanted to know if we need to carry winter clothes, if yes, pls suggest the type. We will travel to Sonmarg, Gulmarg, Pahalgam in addition to Srinagar.

Zafar shaikh February 12, 2022 - 6:33 pm

Hi, is it advisable to travel kashmir in the month of may with a 3 year old?

Vargis.Khan February 15, 2022 - 10:30 am

Yes you can do it

Shipra December 11, 2021 - 5:21 pm

Hi I am travelling at January 2nd week,what type of jacket or coat will help.please suggest me.

Vargis.Khan December 13, 2021 - 7:18 am

A heavy one that is windproof and has a hoodie to protect your head and neck

Deepika Satish December 20, 2021 - 7:08 am

Your blog was really help full, we are planning in January 2nd week.
Thank you so much Mr Vargis Khan.

Vargis.Khan December 21, 2021 - 6:23 am

Thank you so much for taking the time out to leave a note and your kind words. I am glad that the information was of help.

Dipti October 7, 2021 - 8:56 am

Hi i am travelling in mid November… U have well explained everything but what type of jackets will help. Also can you suggest what food is must try.

Mugdha Kolwankar September 4, 2021 - 12:37 pm


Palak July 1, 2021 - 9:25 am

Is shorts & skinny clothes are banned in kashmir Or you would wear anything in kashmir?

Vargis.Khan July 2, 2021 - 8:02 am

Nothing is banned. You can wear any kind of clothes you wish to

Shashwat Shivam March 22, 2021 - 6:55 pm

We are planning to visit Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonmarg and Pahalgam in the first week of May. What clothes should we carry during our stay across aforementioned places?

Richa chamadia January 15, 2021 - 6:38 am

Hi, travelling to srinagar pahalgam n gulmarg in February with my 8 year old daughter.. anything to pack in particular.

शिवम December 14, 2020 - 5:04 am

श्री नगर से जम्मू के लिए हवाईयात्रा से अलग कोई और विकल्प भी है क्या….???

Dev July 4, 2023 - 8:59 am

Hi, I have gone through your blogs and watched videos. They are a lot helpful. We , a family of four , will be traveling to Srinagar , Gulmarg and Pahalgam from 18 to 23 July this year . Can you please give an idea how the traffic will be affected on these routes due to Amarnath Yatra. And where can we get official traffic information for these routes ?
Thank you.

Thanabalan Andy November 30, 2019 - 5:57 am

Hi, i wanted to know The way to choose winter coat during march. Is that below 5 degree or above 0 degree or else?

Vargis.Khan December 1, 2019 - 11:16 pm

March is fine. Just take a normal winter coat thick enough to survive the cold in plains. March is not that cold. You may not even need the coat at noon.


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