Listed below are the taxi rates in Sonamarg for arriving in Sonamarg, local sightseeing, and also for moving from Sonamarg to other nearby towns. If you were planning a trip to Sonamarg and thinking of hiring a local taxi, the information below can help determine how much it will cost you.
Please note that the rates I am listing below are for the taxi service in Sonamarg only. These are not the taxi rates for Srinagar or any other town in Kashmir. If you wanted to get the rate list for Srinagar, Please read Taxi Union Rates in Srinagar.
One important thing you should know is that for sightseeing in Sonamarg, you must hire a local cab. You will not be allowed to bring your cab hired from Srinagar or even your personal car to bring you to the famous tourist spots here.
Another thing to know is the taxi rates in Kashmir are not strictly fixed. What this means is that there are set rates for popular tourist routes but how much you will pay will depend on the driver, your time of the trip, and negotiation skills.
If you were referred to a known driver, you will pay a few hundred bucks less than what I am mentioning below. For getting the best hotel rates, and taxi charges, and to organize your trip to Kashmir, you can speak with Kunal @ 9910 402 252. Give him my reference and you will surely get a discounted rate.
For all other details on Kashmir like mobile connectivity, public transport, taxi services, and several other tips, please take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir – A Complete Travel Guide.
Quick Navigation
Taxi Rates in Sonamarg
Sonamarg remains open for tourists only during summer, from April to November. After it starts to snow, the road gets blocked and the town cannot be reached.
So if you were thinking about a trip from December to March, you will only be allowed till Gagangir and will not be able to make it all the way to Sonamarg. For more details, please read When is the Best time to visit Sonamarg?
There are plenty of places to see in Sonamarg and you should at least spend a day or two here. For more information on this topic, please read Sightseeing in Sonamarg – What to See in Sonamarg.
Along with the Sonmarg Local taxi rates, I am also mentioning how much you will pay for hiring ponies for visiting places like Thajiwas Glacier.
Srinagar to Sonamarg Taxi Fare
Let us first talk about how much it will cost you to reach Sonamarg from Srinagar. There are mostly two kinds of cabs available in Kashmir.
A luxury cab like Innova will cost more. The second category is Tata Sumo which will cost you less. You may get smaller hatchback cars as well but mostly it is either an Innova or a Sumo.
Taxi fare from Srinagar to Sonamarg is about Rs. 2600 for a drop and Rs. 2975 for a return journey on the same day. For a 2 days trip, charges will be about Rs. 5000. If you hired a tempo traveler, it will cost you Rs. 3500 for a same-day return journey.
The same rates will also be applicable from Srinagar Airport to Sonmarg taxi fare.
Sonmarg Local Sightseeing Taxi Rates
Now that you have arrived in Sonamarg, let us discuss how much you will pay for sightseeing here. There is a local taxi stand here and the cabs available are all Sumo only.
Also Read: How to Plan a Trip to Gulmarg
Sonamarg to Zoji La Pass (Zero Point) Taxi Fare
The standard rate for a cab to Zoji La top and return is Rs. around Rs. 5000. What you pay in the end will entirely depend on how well you were able to negotiate.
Sonamarg to Pahalgam Taxi Fare
For a journey from Sonamarg to Pahalgam, you will pay Rs. 6500 to Rs. 7000 for an SUV and Rs. 5800 to Rs. 6400 for a smaller car.
Other Rates
- Sonarmarg Fish Pond: Rs 600 for a return journey
- Sarbal Park/Village : Rs 1000
- Full-Day Sightseeing in Sonamarg Taxi Rate
- A taxi for a full day of sightseeing covering places like the Fish Pond, Sarbal Park, and Sonamarg town will cost Rs. 2000. If you added Zoji La Pass to it too, you will pay about Rs. 6000.
Also Read: How to Plan a trip to Srinagar
Pony Rates
These are the standard rates to hire a pony in Sonamarg.
- A return trip to Thajiwas Glacier from the main taxi stand in Sonamarg will cost you Rs. 1000 for a return trip. If you negotiate hard, you may be able to strike a deal for Rs. 700 to 800.
Other Charges
- Sled Ride: Rs 300 per hour
- Full-Day Trek to Kishansar, Vishansar, Gandbal with Pony: Rs 2000 per day
- Trekking to Shokdari and return: Rs. 4000
- Trekking to Poshpatri and return: Rs 5000
- Porter & Helper: Rs 500 per day
Taxi Rates in Sonamarg – Conclusion
I hope the information above on taxi rates in Sonamarg was of help. If you have any questions, you can contact me on Instagram and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and asking a question there.
hi vargis, thanks for the informative article
can we take our self drive. car (registered HR) upto the tourist point in Sonamarg or we need to take the union taxi for the same
in case we are staying in sonmarg or want to go to zozila point, can’t we go in our own private vehicle
Hey i am bhagyashree and i just came back from kashmir tour, actually during the trip to sonamarg i drop some documents by mistake so do you know any local people number who reside in sonamarg, if yes please share the contact no. to get my stuff.
Sorry Bhagyashree. I do not know of anyone who can help recovering the lost documents
Hello Vargis,
I am planning a family trip to KAshmir and your vlogs and videos are really informative and helpful.
Keep doing the good work bro.
Thank you so much Rohit Bhai !!!
If you could help with taxi rates from sonmarg to kargil town via zojila pass and dras and return on the next day.
Hi Mr. Khan,
Can you please help with what would be the approx charges from Srinagar to Kargil War memorial with a return the next day.
I need taxi for 8 passengers for visiting zero point and glacier on 30 may.. Can you provide
Tomorrow go to o point sent 4 heads taxi fair
I am sorry I did not understand the question here
Eye opening blog. Thank you . Planned a trip on April 22, can we reach the thajiwas glacier by walk. Is there any reliable taxi person available in sonamarg.
Thank you
Thank you Premila. You can go to Thajiwas Glacier on April 22nd and can talk to Mohsin @ 7889837274 for cab and accommodation in Sonamarg
You can easily walk to the top. If you are fit enough. I did it in 45 minutes.
How to hire taxi in sonmarg site seeing
Just talk to your hotel owner and he will arrange a cab for you
very informative keep writing like this.
Thank you !!!
thanks Mr. Gulzar sahib your valuable suggestion actually we are planning 7 people travelling month of Jun 2022.
like places. Srinagar.gulmarg.sonmarg.pahalgam & kargil war memorial . please suggest how much expensive.
Thanks for your blog on taxies in Kashmir. I found these Taxi Unions are only meant to fleece the tourists and rob them. Nowhere in the world have I seen such practices that are followed in Kashmir. Barring very few exceptions, most taximen are hell bent on extracting the maximum amount from tourists. This will make me dissuade people from coming to Kashmir. The practice of hiring local taxi for local sightseeing at atrocious rates pinches the tourists pockets very badly.
Thanks for the post, I feel so sad and bad, My parent went to Sonmarg and our car was not allowed by the Taxi mafia’s .
Initially they charged 17000 for a trip to Zojila pass and finally on intervention of the hotellier on whose house boat my parents are living the taxi driver agreed for 8000 for a trip which lasted for 4 hours.The car was a TATA Sumo.
Rs 100 for a slice of Bread. The tourists are being looted like hell in there. A middle class person cant plan a trip to J & K now , Its high time the government should intervene and such nuisance has to stop
Thanks for the detailed post. Is it possible to go to thajiwas glacier through local taxi??
Hello Mr. Khan. Your blog is most helpful. I was wondering if you could help me with taxi rates from Sonmarg to Pahalgam.