Manali to Kaza

by Vargis.Khan

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AS July 20, 2016 - 7:39 am

Hi Vargis, thanks for updating such a great blog! I notice the Manali-Kaza road closed as late as November last year. Is that unusually late or typical? We’re planning a trip in October that will have us crossing Kunzum from Kaza to Manali around October 12. Would you consider that a big risk?

Vargis.Khan July 20, 2016 - 4:21 pm

Hi AS – The entire region experienced very mild snowfall last year due to which the roads closed little late and opened early this year. October can be a little dicy as the road may close at anytime so please do check before you start on your journey.

Himanshu June 30, 2016 - 1:02 pm

Hi Vargis, thanks for writing great blogs. We are starting on 9th July from chandigarh and will go via shimla to spiti then kunzum pass then towards leh, Is there a way to figure out if kaza to Kunzum Pass to keylong will be open (during 9th July to 13 July)? We just want to bypass manali – rohtang pass and directly connect to manali – leh highway and reach leh.

Vargis.Khan June 30, 2016 - 6:24 pm

Hi Himanshu – Road is currently open and it will remain open between 9th to 13th July as well.


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