Below is a detailed Leh to Tso Moriri road map with distances mentioned in kilometers. The map also includes other areas of Ladakh; like the roads towards Nubra Valley and Pangong Tso. It details every possible route that you can take in order to reach Tso Moriri from Leh.
Click on the map to view it in full size; or leave a comment if you need the map in a better resolution. For a detailed explanation of the journey including details like the best way to reach the lake, what else to see, and where to stay, please read How to Plan a Journey from Leh to Tso Moriri.
Leh to Tso Moriri Road Map
Traveling via Chumathang, the total distance between Leh and Tso Moriri is 20 to 240 kilometers. Travel time can be anywhere between 6 – 7 hours depending upon your speed and breaks. Roads are mostly good on this route with a few bad patches in between. The extremely bad patch is around Polokongka La and the last 50 kilometers between Sumdo and Karzok is entirely a dirt track.
If you went on the Tso Kar route, this distance would increase to about 260 kilometers. Travel time will easily be around 7-8 hours. Apart from the bad patches around Polokongka La and between Sumdo – Karzok; you will also be traveling on a broken road around Tanglang La if you travel via this route.
Also read: Hotels and Guest Houses at Tso Moriri
Tso Moriri In Winter
Tso Moriri freezes completely in winter, like other lakes of Ladakh. The road between Leh to Karzok via Chumathang however remains open. There will be a lot of snow en route but Army keeps the road clear for their movement. You cannot however take the Tso Kar route to get here because that will involve getting across Tanglang La which remains completely blocked in the winter season.
Tso Moriri Altitude
Tso Moriri is located at a staggering altitude of 4,522 meters, 14836 feet.
Leh to Tso Moriri – Conclusion
I hope the map above was of help. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below or at our Community Forum, and I will be glad to answer.
In 2018 myself and my wife traveled to Pngong Numbra and Alchi mostly on bike. I wish to travel this September to Leh. My travel agent has suggested Tso mori and Hanle OR zanskar. Can u please suggest which place should I travel on bike. With mostly on tar roads. by the way I am huge fan of urs and ur website. Have suggested any one who wish to go to Ladhak.
Thank you, Kinjal. I appreciate your kind words.
Tso Moriri and Hanle have better roads. The roads in Zanskar Valley are terrible