A Strange Dog

by Vargis.Khan

A few days ago, I was on my back back home after getting some groceries when I noticed something strange. For a moment I had a hard time believing my own eyes. Crawled under a car was a animal that looked like a dog but I didnt know if it was indeed one because it was nothing like a dog that I had ever seen. The shape and size was indeed of a dog but this animal had stripes all over it, like a zebra or maybe a tiger. My immediate thoughts were that maybe it is a wild dog that somehow landed up in the city but then my thought sounded a little stupid to even myself because a wild dog in middle of the busy city of Delhi was quite far from possible. Curious, I got a little closer to look and watching me stepping towrds it shied the animal away. It got out from under the car and started to walk away.



Now I was sure of one thing, that it is indeed a dog but what I couldn’t understand was the stripes. I had never in my life seen a dog with stripes on it. I got a little closer to observe and that is when I noticed that some of its stripes were fading.


I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized what I was looking at. Someone had painted this dog all over with either some kind of brush or maybe a spray paint. Whoever it was did a tremendous job and the animal was indeed looking marvelous. What was even more surprising is that this dog sat patiently
while someone painted all over it.

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